Thursday, 28 November 2013

The shiny thing is pi$$ing me off. In real life they are matt!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you my good man. I shall try to get better pics once the next few are done and another coat of matt added. First painted things since I wrecked a disk in my back. Slow going but beautiful models. I am tempted by their White ops team too. Looks nice but not a patch on these.

  2. They look great JP, Nice to see you blogging again :D My matt varnish figures do exactly the same. It could just be the indoor lighting? As my pics taken outside don't seem to have the same results.

  3. Cheers Simon. I think I will attempt photography pre varnish from now on.

  4. Very nice! No, wait, actually are so bad you should send them to me so I can dispose of it without anyone knowing how bad it is >:-)

    1. Ha! You remembered that. That gave me a laugh, cheers. I shall get more on here tomorrow. Who would have thunk it, people are still out there. I am going to return to the living lead too. Its been an agonising year. No more rugby for hoo.
      Well done Aus btw.

  5. meh - I am a traitor to my country and I am an All Blacks fan :-P
