Sunday, 13 November 2011

Remembrance sunday....another podcast and painting
I have only started to listen to this but it seems ok, just 6 episodes. This appears to be a British zompocalypse story.

After the eleven oclock service at my local cenotaph,
I intend to start a few new zombies. I am supposed to be writing (finishing) an essay on Freud

..but thought some relaxing painting would ease me into it. No word yet from Bryan on our painting race so Bryan, if you are reading this I propose to start today with the lady Gaga zombie. Howzat?


  1. It's good to hear that you're ready to start the painting race. Sorry to tell you that I've started already. I'm painting all nine Studio zombies in one go (the wedding party and the Halloween party) and I'm currently half way through them but progress has been slow due to the intrusion of real life.

  2. Drat. I shall begin with playboy bunny and Harry Potter! Will try to have them done and posted today. Looking forward to seeing what you do. I have exactly the same zeds lined up to paint myself. Thanks for the reply.

  3. Love the cartoon :-D

    I always thought Gaga was a zombie... no, wait. That is an insult to zombies :-P

    Thanks for the link - I can down load this one :-)

  4. It is indeed an insult!
    Freud, gotta love him.
    Heres another one shelldrake
    sounds good so far.
